Chief Examiner & Technical Director of International Shorin Ryu Seibukan Karate DO of UAE
Trained in India, Malaysia, Germany, Switzerland, Conducted several martial arts seminars and
Instructors training in UAE, India, Malaysia, Europe and U.S.A
8th Dan Karate
7th Dan Kobudo
trained kalaripayattu
Kerala-Birth place of Kalaripayattu.
trained karate
In India, Malaysia, Tokyo, Germany, Switzerland and Okinawa-Birth place of Karate
Conducted Seminar AND Training
In more than 30 countries. Trained 25000 students in UAE. Currently, training 35 Instructors and 2000 students.
trained kubudo at
Kerala-Birth place of Kalaripayattu Headquarters of international shoryn-ryu seibukarn karate in malaysia
trained kubudo at
Floria, Under Sensie Lee Barden – Founder of Chux
trained takewondo
South Korea-Kukkiwon
(World Taekwondo Headquarters)
(World Taekwondo Headquarters)
Asst. Chief Examiner & Technical Director of International Shorin Ryu Seibukan Karate DO of UAE
Trained in India, Malaysia, Thailand, London and Scotland, Conducted several martial arts seminars
and Instructors training in UAE, India and Malaysia
6th Dan Karate
5th. Dan Kobudo